MITA XR-29 – FAQ’s
Is Dose check FDA Approved as required by CMS
What is the Cost of Ownership?
Sapheneia provides for a capital purchase program and a corresponding dollar reduction at a volume break point. We provide all labor and installation costs in this capital number plus, external hardware which includes but not limited to CPU, touch screen monitor, cabling, auditable alarm, visual alarms switches and software. The facility must provide for VPN connection, staff coordination and technical network descriptions as identifies in the Dose Check set up exhibit.
Single PET CT - Depending upon the options selected
Single CT - Depending upon options selected
Multi-Unit Purchases - Please call for volume discount pricing
One-Time Capital Purchase with Two Year Warranty or Flexible Payment Terms including Lifetime Warranty with SaaS Payment Model.
Do you provide a Discount if we purchase your low dose solution at the same time as the XR-29 Dose Check?
Absolutely, there is an economy of scale on hardware and field installation work. Many of our existing customers who have installed XR-29 Upgrades and Monitoring have come back and requested Low Dose Software once they have reviewed their actual dose levels and monitoring report.
Does your solution work on GE PET CT's and Toshiba Equipment
Yes, we have installed on more GE PET CT's to date than any other third party provider. We have been able to provide solutions for many Toshibas and can provide many references.
Does your solution change our firmware operating system?
No, because of our unique architecture, we do not need to alter or change the manufacturer's software in any way.
In short, what is the MITA XR-29 Regulation mean for me?
It may not mean much for you depending upon what scanner you have and which safety features it already has. If you are missing certain features and don’t have your scanner updated (when possible) you will be subject to your reimbursements being reduced by 5% beginning 2016 and 15% in 2017.
What is the summary of the Regulation?
Your scanner will be required by January 1, 2016 to have the following features.
- DICOM Radiation Dose Structured Reporting (RDSR)
- Dose Check Feature
- Automatic Exposure Control
- Reference Adult and Pediatric Protocols
What does the actual Legislation (HR 4302) state?
What does MITA XR29 state?
What does MITA XR25 state?
Can a 3rd party software and/or external IT system make a CT Scanner XR-29 compliant?
Sapheneia-Scannerside provides an assortment of XR-29 Upgrades (depending on your scanner) that meet some of these standards. Sapheneia has solutions for the RDSR and Reference Adult and Pediatric Protocols. Sapheneia-Scannerside currently does not have a solution if your scanner does not have Automatic Exposure Control.
Is the software required to be on the scanner itself?
No, the software does not need to be on the scanner.
What is the certification process?
MITA (Medical Imaging Technology Alliance) and NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) does not accredit any equipment. Scannerside will provide a Certificate and Letter of Certification.
How does the XR-29 Upgrades resolve the DICOM Radiation Dose Structured Report (RDSR)?
Sapheneia-Scannerside’s solution is provided through a real time, cloud based cumulative dose monitoring system. Some newer scanners have all of the required XR-29 features with exception of this feature. Scannerside’s RDSR monitoring is also vendor and model neutral so it can be used if you have a variety of different manufacturer’s equipment.
How does the XR-29 Upgrades resolve the Dose Check Feature?
This is a custom software solution for your specific make and model of CT Scanner/Operating System. Depending on the version you have, we may or may not have already worked on this equipment and proven out a solution.
How does the XR-29 Upgrades resolve the Reference Adult and Pediatric Protocols?
Sapheneia-Scannerside can create these protocols along with an extra benefit of software that enables dose reduction.
How does the XR-29 Upgrades resolve the Automatic Exposure Control?
Sapheneia-Scannerside currently does not have a solution if your scanner does not have Automatic Exposure Control.
How is it installed?
The software is installed on an external CPU anywhere in the network. It requires an external VPN connection and the bulk of the dose tracking is completed in the Cloud. Installation takes one day on-site with no interruption of workflow.
Is MITA XR-29 the only new regulation that Sapheneia-Scannerside is assisting facilities with?
No, there are several regulations including the most recent CMS Lung Cancer Screening that Sapheneia-Scannerside has created the most cost effective means of obtaining the new reimbursements.
How do I get a quote or find out if you can provide a solution?
Please fill out the attached form and send back.
We anticipate additional similar legislation including dose monitoring and dose reduction requirements eventually for most modalities in order to not lose reimbursements. Sapheneia-Scannerside will continue to develop solutions to extend the useful life of equipment and reduce the cost for facilities.